- cream puff
- заварное пирожное со взбитыми сливками
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
cream puff — cream′ puff n. 1) coo a light, hollow pastry filled with custard or whipped cream 2) inf a weak or timid person 3) inf a vehicle or machine that has been kept in unusually good condition • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
cream puff — ☆ cream puff n. 1. a hollow pastry filled with custard or whipped cream 2. Slang a secondhand automobile in excellent condition: also creampuff 3. Slang a weak or ineffective person; a sissy … English World dictionary
cream puff — 1. n. a weakling; a wimp. □ Don’t be a cream puff all your life! Join a health club! □ We’re having a cream puff special this week for you clowns who can’t climb stairs without panting. 2. n. a used car that is in very good condition. □ This one… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
cream puff — 1. a hollow pastry made with cream puff paste and filled with custard sauce or whipped cream. 2. Informal. a. a weak or timid person; sissy. b. a vehicle or machine that has been kept in unusually good condition or is very easy to operate. [1885… … Universalium
cream puff — n. a weak willed person; a wimp. He s a total cream puff. Why are you scared? … English slang
cream puff — noun puff filled with cream or custard • Syn: ↑chou • Hypernyms: ↑puff • Hyponyms: ↑eclair … Useful english dictionary
cream puff — noun 1》 a cake made of puff pastry filled with cream. 2》 informal a weak or ineffectual person … English new terms dictionary
cream puff — noun Date: 1880 1. a round shell of light pastry filled with whipped cream or a cream filling 2. an ineffectual person 3. something trifling, inconsiderable, or easily dealt with 4. a usually used motor vehicle that is in especially good … New Collegiate Dictionary
cream puff — noun a) A light, hollow pastry typically filled with cream or custard. b) A weak or ineffectual person … Wiktionary
cream puff — small pastry filled with cream; (Slang) weak person, timid person; (Slang) old used car which is in extremely good condition … English contemporary dictionary
cream puff — /ˈkrim pʌf/ (say kreem puf) noun 1. a confection of choux pastry with a cream filling. 2. World War I Colloquial a shell burst. 3. Colloquial a weak person; an effeminate person; a sissy …